Welcome to our new Website

Welcome to our new and exciting website. Over the coming months we will be updating and making further improvements. We want this to be the best way members, players and supporters keep uptodate with everything which happening around the club. If you have any queries or suggestions please contact the Website C-ordinator, Cameron Haines at camjan@aanet.com.au or mobile 0419 166 540

3 thoughts on “Welcome to our new Website

  1. Hi guys – love the new site – looks great. Would you mind posting the U16 fixture asap so we can plan our diaries and know where we are going…thanks.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thanks for the email. We are still coming to grips with how the website functions, etc and we will have the draws up soon but in the mean time try going to the following link/website for the draw:

      You should be able to navigate around thhis site to find all draws for this season.
      Keep checking our website for news and info and make sure your mates have a look too.
      Cheers, Cameron “Hammer” Haines

    2. Hi Alex,
      Thank you for your feedback. Fixtures have now been uploaded to the website under the juniors section. Venues are announced on the Thursday prior to the round commencing so we are unable to advise this too far in advance. We will however include the venue with the teams which are also posted on the website.
      Aaron Burfurd

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